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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Speed Eeveelutions Deck

Eeveelutions is quite a popular deck ever since it existed in the TCG universe. Its dynamic evolution line is an asset of diversity that can match up with any situation on the battlefield.

In building a Eeveelutions deck we must consider speed above all. Having 4 Eevees is a must for it will be the root of all evolutions. Both Leafeon and Glaceon have powerful Level-Ups and are essential to any Eeveelutions Deck. Having a 2-2 of each is a must. Then the next on is the anti-metagame evolution that will eat up about 2 Pokémon slots. It may be Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon or Umbreon. Additionally, Espeon and Umbreon has special Poké-Bodies that makes Eeveelutions more versatile.

Then add in the "Speed Engine" composed of a 2-2 Claydol GE and 3~4 Chatot MD. Boom! Pokémon Lineup complete!

Almost any Supporter/Trainer Line will work with the "Speed Engine" specially if the opponent is running with Claydol GE too.

Energies depend on the Eon anti-metagame you choose.

Here's my list:


To download the Redshark Deck File (.dek), Right click in the download link and choose "Save Target as" or "Save Link as", then save it on your Redshark Directory.

Speed Eeveelutions Deck (DP-On)
[Download Redshark .DEK File Here]

Pokémon (21):

2x Leafeon Lv. X (MD)
2x Leafeon (MD-7)
2x Glaceon Lv. X (MD)
2x Glaceon (MD-5)
2x Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/Espeon/Umbreon
4x Eevee (MD-62)
2x Claydol (GE)
2x Baltoy (GE)
3x Chatot (MD)

Supporters/Trainers (21):

4x Bebe's Search
3x Roseanne's Research
4x Professor Oak's Visit
2x Team Galactic's Wager

2x Lake Boundary
2x Premier Ball
2x Warp Point
2x Night Maintenance

Energies (18):

4x Grass Energy
4x Water Energy
4x Lightning/Fire/Psychic/Dark Energy
4x Multi Energy
2x Call Energy


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sea Temple Deck

Speed Spread is now a widely used strategy in Pokémon TCG. One of the most promising Pokémon that matches this strategy is Empoleon. Empoleon was seen on the Worlds 2007. Everyone was expecting to see Infernapes that event but the Fire Monkey was over shadowed by the Penguin Emperor.

This is not a surprise knowing that the entire evolution line is powerful, Piplup can do 10 damage with no energies required, Prinplup can spread 10 damage to each opponent's Pokémon for one Water Energy or snipe a damaged Pokémon with 40 damage for two Water Enegies and finally, Empoleon that can snipe 40 with 2 energies, one being Water, or do 70 damage on the defending Pokémon plus 20 bench damage in a successful coin flip. Totally an awesome "Spead and Snipe" Pokémon Line!

Now, in the release of DP:Majestic Dawn Set, a new Empoleon line is available. There are 2 new Piplups, but I do consider the one with Pecha Berry. Why? Because with one Water Energy, it can snipe 10 damage. That's a great start to put 10 on annoying Baltoys that will eventually be the every popular consistency expert, Claydol. The new Prinplup is also good but not the best. I recommend using the DP counter part. The new Empoleon is SWEET! His first attack is able to snipe 30 damage to 2 Pokémon while the second attack can do 50~100 damage depending on the bench size! Wow. The minor downside is that the second attack needs a flip, tails will spread 10 damage to your bench. But its worth it!

Now that we've seen the Emperor, I'll give you a tour to the Sea Temple. A great attraction in the temple is the Old Bronze Bell, Bronzong! Bronzong is a potential Secondary Pokémon. Why? Its Poké-Body, when active puts 1 damage counter to your opponent's Pokémon with Poké-Powers. Its great in a format ruled by Powers. Its first attack puts 1 damage counter to your opponent's Pokémon that already have damage. Wow! A cheap way to spread huh?! Its second attack can do 60 damage and gives -20 on any attacks on Bronzong next turn. Good! Bronzor, its pre-evolved form, is also solid. I can make the defending Pokémon asleep for a Colorless, or do 10 damage plus Confusion in a Heads with one Psychic Energy.

The last attraction of the Sea Temple is the Clay Doll, duh! Its Claydol, the ever popular consistency expert!

I'll be including 2 decklists in this post, one for HP-On, and one for DP-On.


To download the Redshark Deck File (.dek), Right click in the download link and choose "Save Target as" or "Save Link as", then save it on your Redshark Directory.

Sea Temple Deck (HP-On)
[Download Redshark .DEK File Here]

Pokémon (19):

1x Empoleon Lv. X (DP/Promo)
3x Empoleon (MD)
2x Prinplup (DP)
3x Piplup Lv. 8 (MD-72)
3x Bronzong (MD)
3x Bronzor (MD)
2x Claydol (GE)
2x Baltoy (GE/PK)

Supporters/Trainers (25):

4x Bebe's Search
3x Roseanne's Research
3x Professor Oak's Visit
2x Steven's Advice
2x Team Galactic's Wager

3x Rare Candy
4x Plus Power
2x Warp Point
2x Night Maintenance

Energies (16):

6x Water Energy
4x Psychic Energy
2x Holon Energy WP
2x Call Energy
2x Scramble Energy


To download the Redshark Deck File (.dek), Right click in the download link and choose "Save Target as" or "Save Link as", then save it on your Redshark Directory.

Sea Temple Deck (DP-On)
[Download .DEK File Here]

Pokémon (19):

1x Empoleon Lv. X (DP/Promo)
3x Empoleon (MD)
2x Prinplup (DP)
3x Piplup Lv. 8 (MD-72)
3x Bronzong (MD)
3x Bronzor (MD)
2x Claydol (GE)
2x Baltoy (GE)

Supporters/Trainers (25):

4x Bebe's Search
4x Roseanne's Research
4x Professor Oak's Visit
2x Team Galactic's Wager

3x Rare Candy
4x Plus Power
2x Warp Point
2x Night Maintenance

Energies (16):

8x Water Energy
2x Psychic Energy
4x Multi Energy
2x Call Energy


Monday, June 2, 2008

Redshark TCG Simulation Application

Special Thanks to PokéBeach for hosting our Beloved Application

"Whoa! I tested it last weekend and it stink!"

"I made a new deck and it was fabulous!"

These are usual expressions when new sets are out in the market. Players are eager to play test new decks and see some possible outcome. But the down part is, what if we can't have those cards to play test? Are the cards worth keeping? Well, having access to all the cards and play testing it is the goal of a TCG Simulation Application like Redshark.

Redshark is a Fan-made TCG program that lets you simulate our beloved Pokémon TCG game. It gives you access to all the cards from Base Set up to the latest sets. It makes you want to experiment more on strategies and to do some deck tweaks all by your self, especially when preserving the "Surprise Factor" for a newly born Rogue Deck.

I myself use this to predict new card combos because we have a late set release here in the Philippines.

To learn more about Redshark, Click Here.

From now on, all decklists that will be featured here in this blog will have a Redshark deck file download link. Some e-mails did request this feature. thanks for your continuous support.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Why NDS over PSP

UPDATE: Here's a link to CNET's Prizefight Sony PSP Slim vs. Nintendo DS Lite. Click Here

Nintendo DS versus Sony Playstation Portable. This has been a great issue since its initial launch not only in Japan but the rest of the world. Forums hosted threads to distinguish which is which, usually labeled as "DS vs PSP Thread". It is a hot topic indeed, seeing users of each gadget defend their beloved handheld console.

Japan, USA, Europe and the Rest of the World Sales Records shows a huge difference in the sales between PSP and DS. It looks like Nintendo has regained its handheld console glory over its competitor, Sony. Some says that DS trumps over PSP because of the Price. A brand new PSP Slim costs about US$ 299.90 while a brand new Nintendo DS Lite costs about US$ 199.90. But I object. Its not the price of the unit that sums it all up, its the DS unit itself!

Both PSP and DS are labeled as the next generation consoles. Nintendo DS did gave way to new technologies, adding the Touch and Mic enabled games. It hosts awesome games like the popular Mario franchise, Pokémon and more. New titles took advantage over the powerful and interesting Touch Screen Technology too, adding a whole new pool of games. The Wifi technology also gave games a whole new twist and turn. The GTS system or the Global Trading Station is also making noise. Using a 3rd-party game cartridge, the NDS gains the ability to make use of a Micro SD Memory card that enables the unit to play Homebrew games, music, video, pictures and official game "Backup" a.k.a. ROMs.

The PSP, on the other hand, also added the Wifi enabled games and made the ever-popular console "Playstation" handy. Looking towards its goal to be a next generation console, the PSP is a failure! Is rawly a portable version of the PS or PS2 with no added feature! It does play music, videos and views pictures, but the main point its to have a next gen gaming console not a portable multimedia device. Another point is that PSP games lack game play experience. Graphics are stunning and, honestly I was amazed to see full 3D games but the storyline doesn't stand out.

For me NDS is the ultimate choice. Not just because of the price, not just because of the Pokémon titles, but the DS console itself. Awesome new interface, a pool of awesome games, and a bunch of wonderful add-ons using a 3rd-party game pack. A portable GAMING device!

No wonder, the DS sales out numbered the PSP's.
