After so many years of ups and downs, Pokémon fans are now uniting for a single purpose: to keep Pokémon alive in our country. Through the years we've seen how Pokémon crashed down and many really don't know that it is still in existence. I was a living example before. I am a big Pokémon fan. But I really felt alone in the dark until I saw PKMN-ph, a filipino Pokémon community. After that I realized, Am I the only fan lost in midair? Or maybe there are more? This made me think on joining the so-called Revolution.
Pokémon Revolution is a movement of filipino fansite for the sake of Pokémon Filipino Fans. This circle of fansites will make everything to make Pokémon at the summit of thriupth.
Pokémon fan sites like pkmp-ph, pokemon-ph and all other sites and blogs are pursuing with this same goal. Let every fan be known. Let our hopes and dreams come to reality. Let our stand be known. Let the revolution begin!
Pokémon Revolutioneer